September 30, 2015


The fourth grade students looked at the artwork of Victor Vasarely and are using his ideas as inspiration to create their own colorful square designs. First the students created a weaving and next they began layering squares on top to create their unique geometric designs.

Cool Collage

The kindergarten students learned how to cut and glue and are using their new skills to create a beautiful circles and lines collage. Next, the students will use crayons to add designs to their artwork.

September 29, 2015

Painting Stripes

The second grade students looked at Mexican blankets and are using the ideas of color and design to create a collage. These beautiful stripe designs are the beginnings of their Mexican blanket collages. 

September 25, 2015

Painting in Circles

The third grade students carefully measured and drew 3" grids and then added concentric circles into each box. Today the students learned about painting with watercolors and they are carefully painting their circles. 

Painting Castles

The fifth grade students learned about the artwork of Paul Klee and used his work as inspiration to draw these geometric castles. Today they began using watercolors to paint their intricate castles. 

September 24, 2015

Drawing Ice Cream

The first grade students learned that art can make us feel different emotions. They then drew ice cream cones to demonstrate art that makes people feel happy. 

September 23, 2015


Our fourth grade students designed and painted these awesome cityscapes using crayons and watercolors. 

Ice Cream

Our first graders learned about making art that makes people feel happy and also learned how to paint with watercolors. Then they created these beautiful paintings of ice cream cones. 

Circles in Circles

Our third grade students worked hard to measure and draw their grids and concentric circles. Then they used watercolors to paint these beautiful color studies. 

September 18, 2015

Beautiful Cities

Our fourth grade students finished painting their crayon resist cities today. Check out these awesome colorful cityscapes. 

September 14, 2015

Colorful Castles

Our fifth grade students finished painting their castles today. These turned out beautiful!!