August 28, 2015

Abstract Circles Color #2

Our fifth graders learned about warm and cold colors and finished their circle designs.

Primary Line Design #2

Our second graders learned about lines and colors. They created these beautiful paintings using only the primary colors.

Primary Grids #2

Our third grade students learned about primary colors and finished painting their grids. These look fantastic!

August 27, 2015

Abstract Circles BW #2

Our fifth graders continue to make awesome abstract designs using circles and lines. Next step will be adding color!

Mystery Abstracts #2

Our fourth graders learned about abstract art and created these awesome abstract designs using lines and shapes. Next they will add color.

Painted Grids #2

Our third graders are busy making some awesome grids inspired by the artwork of Piet Mondrian.

Line Paintings #2

Our second graders learned all about lines and painted these beautiful line designs. Next they will be adding color!

August 25, 2015

Abstract Designs #2

Our fourth grade students learned about
primary and secondary colors and added color to their abstract designs.

August 20, 2015

Abstract Designs

Our fourth graders learned about primary and secondary colors and chose one group to color in their beautiful designs.